What Does LGBTQ Mean? Know the Basic


What does it mean to be LGBTQ?

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) are terminology used to describe various groups within the gay community. The early programmer for LGBT persons primarily targeted men. As a result, "lesbian" is frequently mentioned first in an attempt to attract attention to difficulties affecting queer women.

Bisexual and transgender people have historically been excluded from or underrepresented in research studies and health programmers. Along with homosexual men and lesbians, these two groups are now considered mainstream.

Definition of Terms 


A lesbian woman is a woman who is romantically, sexually, or emotionally attracted to other women. Many lesbians prefer the term lesbian over gay.


A gay man is a man who is romantically, sexually, or emotionally attracted to another man. Although the term gay can be used to refer to lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, many women prefer the term lesbian. Because of the negative historical associations with the term, and because the term gay better reflects their identity, most gay people prefer to be referred to as gay.


A bisexual person is someone who is romantically, sexually, and/or emotionally attracted to people of opposite genders to themselves.

Transgender or Transsexual

Transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity (internal feeling of being male, female, or non-binary) and/or gender expression differ from the gender assigned to them at birth. Not everyone who has a gender-atypical appearance or behavior will identify as transgender.

Gender Identification

Gender identity refers to whether or not a person feels male, female, or non-binary (regardless of biological sex). Gender expression is the act of expressing one's gender identity outwardly.

Transgender people typically live or wish to live as members of a gender other than the one assigned to them at birth. Transgender people frequently choose to go through a social transition that includes changing their name, pronouns, appearance, and official gender markers. They may also pursue a medical transition, which may include medical interventions such as hormone therapy or surgery to conform their bodies to their gender identity and alleviate gender dysphoria.

Transvestite or cross-dressing individuals are thought to comprise the largest transgender sub-group. Cross-dressers sometimes wear clothes considered appropriate to a different gender. They vary in how completely they dress (from one article of clothing to fully cross-dressing) as well as in their motives for doing so.


Some people whose sexual orientation is not exclusively heterosexual use this adjective. Typically, those who identify as queer perceive the terms lesbian, gay, and bisexual to be too limiting and/or fraught with cultural connotations that they believe do not apply to them. Queer, or genderqueer, is a term used by some people to describe their gender identity and/or gender expression. Queer, once considered a derogatory term, has been reclaimed by some LGBTQ people to describe themselves; however, even within the LGBTQ community, it is not a universally accepted term.


When the Q appears at the end of LGBT, it can also mean questioning. This phrase refers to someone who is unsure about their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Gender Reconstitution

Gender reassignment, also known as transitioning, is the process of changing how someone's gender is expressed publicly. It can be a difficult process. People who want to transition frequently begin by expressing their gender identity in places where they feel safe. They typically work their way up to living full-time in a different gender by gradually changing their gender expression.

Connecting with other transgender people through peer support groups and transgender community organizations can also be very beneficial during the transition process. Transitioning is unique to each person and may include changes in clothing and grooming, a name change, a gender change on identity documents, hormonal treatment, and surgery.

Making an Appearance

Coming Out is a term used by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, as well as the larger queer community, to describe their experience of discovering, self-acceptance, openness, and honesty about their LGBT identity, as well as their decision to disclose, i.e. to share this with others when and how they choose.

Sexual Preference

An enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction to men, women, or multiple genders is referred to as sexual orientation. Sexual orientation also refers to a person's sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors, and belonging to a community of others who share those attractions.


Transphobia is the fear of, or prejudice against, people who are transgender or are perceived to violate gender, gender identity, or gender expression norms. While transphobic remarks or attitudes are often unintentional, they can cause transgender people pain and offence.


Biphobia is the intolerance, hatred, or exclusion of bisexual people. The term refers to a dislike of bisexuality (or any non-monosexuality) that is fueled by negative attitudes and myths about bisexuality.

Message from Bliss Naturals

The LGBTQ+ people are struggling hard to get equal rights to marry, start families, adopt children, speak, protest against discrimination, and above all the right to exist for who they are. While India has acknowledged a little support to them, we have to accept the fact that we have a long way to go. Let the pride battle continue with compelling, courageous, and colorful spirits. Happy pride month!


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